Willett Updates: February 17, 2023
Posted on 02/17/2023
children in chorus singing clipart

No School On Monday

A quick reminder that there is no school on Monday, February 20th for Presidents Day per the district calendar

Valentine’s Day Activity

It was so fun going into classes and seeing students share valentines, socialize, and be part of an inviting community in the classrooms. I was able to visit several classes and the social engagement was wonderful to experience. Thank you teachers for making such an inviting experience for your students.

Morning Greeters

Morning greeters are off to a great start.  5th and 6th graders have volunteered to greet younger students at the curb in the front of the school at the loading and unloading zone.  These students will meet your student and walk them safely to the crosswalk or to their classroom.  Please remember that the front curb is for loading and unloading of passengers only.  If you wish to leave your vehicle, please find an alternative area to park.  If your 5th or 6th grader would like to participate in the morning greeter program, they should ask their classroom teacher for a permission slip.  

Chorus Concert

Come watch the Willett Chorus in our rockin' annual winter concert! Chorus is composed of 3rd-6th grade students here at Willett, and is directed by Ms. Lindsay. Our concert will be held on February 23rd, in the new MPR at 6:00 pm. A massive thank you to the Willett PTA for supporting this program! 


Interested In Joining The PTA Executive Board?

The PTA is actively looking for individuals to join next year’s PTA Executive Board as officers! The Executive Board works with the members, school administration and committees to form goals, a budget, hear requests, and facilitate activities to benefit the Willett community. To be considered as a nominee, or to recommend someone, please visit here and fill out the interest form by Tuesday, February 14th!

The Who’s News 

More information about the Willett PTA is included in our weekly newsletter, The Who’s News. Read online at: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.

Upcoming Dates:

February 20th                       Presidents Day– No school

February 21st                       TK/Kindergarten Information Night

February 23rd                       Winter Chorus Concert

March 1st                              Vision screening for K, 2nd, 5th grade classes

March 6th                              Student Council Meeting

March 17th                            St. Patrick’s Day

March 20th-24th                    Parent/Teacher Conference Week (Early Release)

                                              Spring Book Fair

March 27th-31st                    Spring Break