Hello Willett Families,
We are almost there! School starts this Tuesday and I can’t wait to see all the students laughing, smiling, greeting old friends, and making new memories. Students bring life to our campus and we can’t wait to meet them. Thank you for sharing your child with Willett and we hope to make this year a wonderful experience for all!
Drop Off Procedures
We are asking parents NOT to send students earlier than 8:20 a.m. as supervision is limited.
The drop off area for TK/Kindergarten is at the front of the school at the green fence gates on the North and South sides of the play area.
The drop off area for 1st and 2nd grade is in the lane between the new MPR and the B/C wings.
The drop off area for 3rd and 4th grade is in the lane between the park and the science classrooms near Catalyst Kids.
The drop off area for 5th and 6th grade is near the front of the school by the bike racks.
The blacktop will be open for recess before school and will be the lineup spot for all classes (except TK/K) at 8:27 a.m. Students will stay in this area until their classroom teachers meet and direct them to their classrooms. Backpacks will be left outside on hooks or in cubbies inside.
Student Dismissal (Update)
Please see our daily schedule below to determine when to pick up your child.
Daily Schedule
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. Wednesdays
Grades 1 – 3 8:30 – 2:35 Grades 1 – 6 8:30 – 1:35
Grades 4 – 6 8:30 – 3:05 TK/Kindergarten A.M. 8:30 – 11:50
TK/Kindergarten A.M. 8:30 – 11:50 Kindergarten P.M. 10:10 – 1:35
Kindergarten P.M. 12:00 – 3:20
Please see adjustment to Kinder P.M. times and whole school Wednesday dismissal times. The previous message had times that were incorrect.
TK/Kindergarten students will be picked up at the same gates as they used for drop off.
1st and 2nd graders will meet their families in the main quad that is centered behind the main office.
3rd and 4th grade students will meet their families in the lane nearest the park that was used for drop off.
5th and 6th grade students exit the front of the school nearest the bike racks.
Bike Racks
Thanks to our wonderful PTA, we have amazing bike racks for students to use and lock their bikes in while at school. Please have your student walk their bike onto campus once they arrive at the front sidewalk. We would not want to have an accident so please support us by walking bikes safely.
Parking Lot Reminder
Parents may not use the parking lot for pick up and drop off. Parents are urged to use neighboring streets off of Sycamore Lane to park and walk students into campus drop off areas. Our parking lots are for staff only and are closed to parents. This is for safety as students will be walking in the walkways near those areas. We encourage walking or riding bikes for families that are living close to school.
Please walk your student to the drop off areas using the North entry walkway near the bike racks or the South entry walkway near the new MPR. Walking through our hedge at the front of the school to cut across the parking lot can be dangerous and is not permitted.
Sneak Peek/Campus Tours With The Principal & PTA Chalk The Walk Event – Monday, August 21st!
Transitional Kindergarten and 1st grade will be offering a sneak peak from 2:30-3:15 p.m. while Kindergarten will offer a sneak peak from 3:00-4:00 p.m. 2nd and 3rd grades will have their sneak peak from 5:00-6:00 p.m. I will be offering campus tours from 5:00-6:00 p.m. for students and families who are interested and who knows, you might even run into your classroom teacher! Hootie could even be flying around! Come check out the classrooms, meet the teachers, and gear up for the start of the new year.
Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. the PTA will be welcoming back students and all are invited to come and chalk messages on our campus to create an inviting space and build excitement for the first day of school. Monday evening from 5-6 p.m. is also a great time to get in-person help if you are having trouble accessing your student's teacher assignment on Canvas. Volunteers will be available to assist in the quad during that time.
Back to School Night (PM Kinder Time Change)
Back to School Night is scheduled for parents only on Wednesday, August 23rd. TK, AM/PM Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd grades will attend from 5:30-6:15 p.m. Intermission in the quad from 6:15-6:30 p.m. will include a welcome back message from the Principal and PTA. 4th, 5th, and 6th grades will attend from 6:30-7:15 PM.
Health and Safety
Willett will continue to implement our school’s health and wellness measures in alignment with our District and county public health guidance as it pertains to COVID-19. To maintain student safety on campus, we ask that caregivers and families remain at the perimeter of the campus or in front of the school during the school operation hours of 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m with the exception of 1st and 2nd grade students who can be picked up at the end of day in the quad. All visitors who will be on campus during the school day must check into our school office Raptor system between 8:10 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. There is no staff supervision before 8:00 a.m. and after 3:30 p.m.
The Who’s News
The Willett PTA publishes a weekly newsletter, The Who’s News. It includes information that every Willett family can use: dates, event info, ways to help, and more. Looking for that August school lunch menu? Want to connect with more Willett families? Want to learn more about the PTA? Read online at: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.
Upcoming Dates:
8/21 Sneak Peek/Tours/Chalk the Walk
8/22 First Day of School
8/23 Back to School Night 5:30-7:15
9/1 Coffee with the Principal
9/4 No School (Labor Day)
9/8 Willett Dessert & Movie Night
9/19 Willett PTA Meeting