No School Next Week
Quick reminder that we will be on Thanksgiving break next week. School will resume on November 27th.
Thanks To The Giving Willett Community
I would like to take this time to reflect on the wonderful community we have here at Willett.
Families, you provide your wonderful students for us to educate and enjoy every day. You are there for us when we need volunteers, provide time and donations to improve instruction, and share in our successes with students always coming out on top.
Teachers, you go above and beyond every day to make sure your students are getting the best in their education. You spend long days and endless nights preparing and supporting the education in your classroom and it is this work that makes our students successful.
Support staff, we could not do this without you. From preparing our rooms, providing meals for our students and staff, and making sure our site is clean and safe, you all make Willett a great place to work and a happy place to be.
And finally, to our wonderful students. Your bright smiling faces and willingness to learn and enjoy life make this profession the best place to be. We are here for you and hope that your time at Willett is one of the best times of your life. You mean the world to us and we care about each and every one of you.
Thanksgiving to all of the Willett community!!
Return From Thanksgiving COVID-19 Tests
You may have seen your child bring home a COVID test this week. We ask that students take a test on November 26th before returning to school. If they test positive, students are to stay home at least 5 days until symptoms improve. Please report positive cases to the Willett front office.
Picture Makeup Day Is November 29th
Picture retake is coming up after break. Here is who should participate on retake day:
- Students who ordered a package and want a new package need to return the original package to the photographer on retake day.
- Students that were absent on the original picture day.
- Any new student who was not present on the original picture day
Please note we do not reprint ID cards for students that retake their picture, we only print for new/absent students.
Public Outreach for Strategic Fencing at Willett Elementary
The Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) is committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments consistent with the district’s mission and goals. As part of the Bond Program funding from Measure M, approved by voters in February 2019, the Board of Trustees have prioritized funding for strategic fencing to improve access control on campuses.
The project will take place in phases, with the first phase slated to take place at three campuses: Davis Senior High, North Davis Elementary and Willett Elementary. We value your input and invite school and local community members to engage in open discussions about the purpose of this project and proposed strategic fencing locations. Your feedback is essential in making an informed decision that reflects the best interests of our students and the community. To facilitate this dialogue, we will be holding two public outreach opportunities on December 11, to share information and renderings of the strategic fencing proposal at your neighborhood school site. Families, staff, neighbors and friends are all invited.
When: Monday, December 11, 2023
Start Times: First Meeting @ 3:30 p.m.
Second Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
Where: Willett Elementary, Library, 1207 Sycamore Ln., Davis, CA 95616
Public comment, questions or concerns about this project are welcomed and encouraged. We will be reviewing feedback emailed to [email protected] until the end of the public comment period on Friday, January 5, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.
Traveling for the holidays? Don’t fall behind!
We know that this time of year brings extra travel for many families and this means that students may have to miss school. Short-term independent study (STIS) is available for students who know in advance that they will be absent for three+ school days, and enables the student to stay current with coursework provided by their teacher(s). For more information on STIS, please visit the District website.
Learn More about Parcel Tax Renewal 2024
You may know that Davis schools have benefited from voter-approved parcel taxes for over 40 years. Without the current Measure H, DJUSD schools would lose nearly $12 million annually, which could lead to teacher layoffs, larger class sizes, and cuts to academic programs and services.
With Measure H parcel tax set to expire in June 2025, the DJUSD Board of Trustees has been engaged in discussions about placing a measure on the ballot in 2024 to renew this source of funding.
While no final decisions have been made, the measure would not be a new tax, but would instead renew the existing Measure H parcel tax at the current rate of $768 per year, raising approximately $11.7 million per year, ongoing until ended by voters. If renewed, this source of funding would continue to:
- Attract and retain high-performing teachers and educational staff;
- Protect art, music, world language, career technical education, AP courses and other electives;
- Promote student safety and physical and mental health;
- Continue outstanding academics in science, technology, engineering, math, science, reading, and writing;
- Sustain athletics and co-curricular programs and more!
I encourage you to learn more at www.djusd.net/parceltax.
November 28: PTA General Meeting at 7pm in Willett’s staff lounge. Agenda and optional virtual link will be posted HERE this weekend. Please join us!
November 30: Deadline to Submit Cover Art for the 2023-24 Willett Yearbook! We envision a collage of owls for our yearbook cover featuring art from all students. Encourage your student to participate! Information on yearbook orders and cover art: https://www.willettpta.org/programs-events/yearbook
December 1 at 8:30 a.m: Please join me and other Willett families at our monthly Coffee with the Principal. I will be there along with Deb Garrity, Willett’s Reading Specialist, who will speak about Willett’s reading intervention program. Coffee will be provided by the PTA!
Read and subscribe to the Willett PTA Newsletter: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
11/20-24 Thanksgiving Break (No School)
11/29 Picture Make-ups
Willett Book Club Library at 6:45 p.m.
12/5 Sly Park Parent Meeting New MPR at 5:30 p.m.
12/20 Willett Book Club Library at 6:45 p.m.
12/25-1/5 Winter Break (No School)
1/15 Martin Luther King Day (No School)