            School Clubs

Community Book Club 
Book Club is for 4th - 6th graders and their adult.  If you are interested in joining, fill out the permission slip and return to the Willett Library. We meet once a month, typically on the fourth Tuesday at 6:45 pm in the Willett Library. Meeting dates and book selections are communicated via a group email. Many of the book selections contain content appropriate for junior high school age children so the program assumes that both adult and child will read the book. Permission slips are available in the Willett office or in the Library.  Any questions? Please contact Chris Fluetsch for more information.

Girls on the Run
GOTR registration is coming soon. The season starts the week of February 10th. Contact Mrs. Harrington for more information!

Math Club
Math Club meets every Tuesday from 3:10 - 4:15 in D-20. This club is for 4th - 6th graders. Permission slips are available in the front office. Only the first 40 returned permission slips will be accepted. A wait list be created and students will be asked to join if another student misses three days of the club. Contact Mrs. Cook with questions.

Robotics Club
Robotics is for sixth graders only. There are five teams of two. Robotics meets in D-20 from 3:15 - 4:45 on Thursdays. Please contact Mrs. Cook or Mr. Fluetsch with questions.