Black History Month
Today’s assembly had a wonderful celebration of Black History Month. A slideshow was shared with students celebrating Miles Davis, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, and many more. The presentation was powerful with students giving the celebration a loud applause. Thank you Mr. Miille for this wonderful presentation.
Chorus Concert
Come watch the Willett Chorus in our rockin' annual winter concert! Chorus is comprised of 3rd-6th grade students here at Willett, and is directed by Ms. Lindsay. Our concert will be held on February 23rd, in the new MPR at 6:00 pm. A massive thank you to the Willett PTA for supporting this program!
Elementary Strings Concert
You are invited to this year’s first strings concert for the 5th and 6th grade classes. The concert will be on Tuesday, February 6th at Davis High School in the Brunelle Theater at 6:30 pm. It is a free event and there is a bake sale after the concert. Please come support our performers.
Pickup And Drop Off Reminder
Attention parents, please remember that the front parking lot is for staff use only before school, during school, and after school. Parents need to park off site and walk their students on campus. There have also been some families who are entering the parking lot in their cars from the exit. This poses a danger to all who are leaving the lot and to others who may be walking their students out near that exit. For student safety, please walk students on to campus and do not use the parking lot to drop off or pick up students.
Student Drop Off On Rainy Days
Student arrival on rainy days can become problematic in keeping students out of the rain. To support us, please drop students off for school as close to 8:25 as possible to cut down on students collecting/playing in the rain. We really appreciate it!
Interested in joining the PTA Executive Board?
The PTA is actively looking for individuals to join next year’s PTA Executive Board as officers! The Executive Board works with the members, school administration and committees to form goals, a budget, hear requests, and facilitate activities to benefit the Willett community. To be considered as a nominee, or to recommend someone, please visit here and fill out the interest form by Tuesday, February 14th!
The Who’s News
More information about the Willett PTA is included in our weekly newsletter, The Who’s News. Read online at: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.
Upcoming Dates:
February 6th 100th Day Of School
Student Council Meeting
Strings Concert
February 13th Local Holiday – No school
February 14th Valentine’s Day
February 20th Presidents Day– No school
February 23rd Winter Chorus Concert