Willett Updates: 11/10/2023
Posted on 11/10/2023
chalkboard with colorful school supplies and text reading "Parent-Teacher Conferences"

Willett PTA Silent Auction

For those families who love a good silent auction, please submit your bid before they close this Friday. There is still one more spot to be principal for the day. Come out and support our PTA in this wonderful event that benefits all students at Willett! See more information about the event in PTA news below.

Conference Week Starts November 13th

Parent teacher conferences will take place next week. This is a critical time to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress so far this year. 

TK/Kindergarten classes have shared their schedule with their parents. 1st-6th grades will go to school from 8:30-12:10 during conference week. Lunch will be available daily from 12:10-12:40 for any students wishing to have a school provided meal. All students not enrolled in an after-school program must be picked up at the end of the day at 12:10 or at the end of the lunch period at 12:40. Students enrolled in an after-school program will be transferred over once their lunch period has ended and the after-school program begins.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our front office.

Willett Is An Attendance Star

Congratulations to our Willett community! We are October’s elementary school with the most improved attendance. Be on the lookout for a celebratory banner coming soon to our school site. More information about the importance of regular school attendance can be found at www.djusd.net/ShowingUpTogether.

DJUSD Parent Empowerment Program (PEP) Talk 11/15 - Depression

Join DJUSD and the Auburn Davis Center for DBT on Wednesday, November 15 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. for a virtual PEP talk on Depression. 

Register: https://bit.ly/PEPTalk-Depression

Future PEP Talk dates: Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 20, Apr 17, May 15

Traveling for the holidays? Don’t fall behind! 

We know that this time of year brings extra travel for many families and this means that students may have to miss school. Short-term independent study (STIS) is available for students who know in advance that they will be absent for three+ school days, and enables the student to stay current with coursework provided by their teacher(s). For more information on STIS, please visit the District website

Learn More about Parcel Tax Renewal 2024

You may know that Davis schools have benefited from voter-approved parcel taxes for over 40 years.  Without the current Measure H, DJUSD schools would lose nearly $12 million annually, which could lead to teacher layoffs, larger class sizes, and cuts to academic programs and services.

With Measure H parcel tax set to expire in June 2025,  the DJUSD Board of Trustees has been engaged in  discussions about placing a measure on the ballot in 2024 to renew this source of funding. 

While no final decisions have been made, the measure would not be a new tax, but would instead renew the existing Measure H parcel tax at the current rate of $768 per year, raising approximately $11.7 million per year, ongoing until ended by voters. If renewed, this source of funding would continue to:

  • Attract and retain high-performing teachers and educational staff;
  • Protect art, music, world language, career technical education, AP courses and other electives;
  • Promote student safety and physical and mental health;
  • Continue outstanding academics in science, technology, engineering, math, science, reading, and writing;
  • Sustain athletics and co-curricular programs and more!

 I encourage you to learn more at www.djusd.net/parceltax.

No Math Club During Conference Week

Due to the adjusted conference schedule with early release, Math Club will not meet on Tuesday, November 14th. All students who participate will go home at the early release time of 12:10.

Public Outreach for Solar Implementation at Willett Elementary

Design planning is now under way for solar implementation at Willett Elementary School. The installation of photovoltaic solar panels is a key step in our effort to expand renewable energy sources in DJUSD and at your neighborhood school site. 

Please join the DJUSD Bond Team on Monday, November 13, for two meeting opportunities to hear about these changes and share any input or thoughts you may have about this solar project. Families, staff, neighbors and friends are all invited. 


When:             Monday, November 13, 2023

Start Times:   First Meeting @ 3:30 p.m. 

Second Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.

Where:           Willett Elementary Music Room1207 Sycamore Lane, Davis, CA 95616 

If you are unable to attend and would like to learn more about our solar program, please scan the QR code, below. 

Public comment, questions or concerns about this project are welcomed and encouraged. We will be reviewing feedback emailed to [email protected] until the end of the public comment period on Monday, November 27, 2023 by 5:00 p.m. 



Willett’s Silent Auction is Happening Now! Get your bids in before Friday at midnight! Time with teachers, Librarian or Principal for the Day, local business deals, baskets of goodies, and more! Take a look at all the items available and place your bids here: 


The Fall Scholastic Book Fair is THIS WEEK at the Willett Library! Monday November 13th through Thursday November 16th, from 12 pm to 5 pm, open until 6:15 pm on Wednesday November 15th! Sign up to help out HERE.

Willett Yearbook Cover! All students can have their artwork on the Willett 2023-24 yearbook cover!  Submissions must be submitted in the office by 11/30/23 to be included on the cover. Drawings must be in the box provided on  THIS FORM. Place your yearbook orders and get more information here: https://www.willettpta.org/programs-events/yearbook


Read and subscribe to the Willett PTA Newsletterhttps://www.willettpta.org/newsletter

Upcoming Dates:

11/13-17          Conference Week (12:10 Dismissal)

                        Fall Book Fair

11/20-24          Thanksgiving Break (No School)

11/29               Picture Make-ups

                        Willett Book Club 6:45-7:45 p.m.