Spelling Bee News
Congratulations to 5th grade student Liv Gill, for her recent success at the Sacramento Regional Spelling Bee qualifier. She was 1 of 40 spellers in the Sacramento area to qualify for the 2024 Capital Spelling Bee on March 16th at John F. Kennedy High School. The winner of this contest will go on to compete at the California State Championship, which is one step away from the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Good luck Liv!
Parents Using Bathrooms
We have had a few instances when parents have used our student bathrooms during the school day. We ask that if you need to use the restroom, please come to the main office and we can direct you to an adult restroom. Thank you
Lost And Found
Our lost and found is bursting at the seams. If you are missing a jacket, hat, botter bottle, etc., please have your student take a look during lunchtime. We will also have lost and found available in the quad during conference week. Any items not picked up will go to donation.
Spring Conference Week
Teachers have begun sending home information about conferencing that will take place the week of March 18th. If you are interested in requesting a conference with your child’s teacher, please reach out to them directly using their signup options.
Smart Watches At School
There has been an increase in the use of smart watches and cell phones by students during the school day. We instruct students to not contact/communicate with friends or family until the school day ends. If you need to notify your child, please contact the front office and we can relay important messages when it is appropriate. Improper use of personal devices during the school day can lead to restrictions of use including confiscation. Please support us in this endeavor. Thank you.
Willett Jog-a-thon
The Jog-a-thon was a huge success with smiles for miles and great weather to boot! Students gave it their all and everyone showed great school spirit. I do not have the final results yet but will share results in next week’s message. Great job Willett students!
PTA News
The Willett Spring Book Fair is March 18-21, during conference week! Info and volunteer on our PTA website HERE!
We have a new, cozy, zip-up Willett hoodie for sale! Check out the details and order HERE!
Read, subscribe to, and translate the Willett PTA Newsletter here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
3/17 St. Patrick’s Day
3/18-3/22 Conference Week 1:30 Dismissal
Spring Book Fair
3/25-3/29 Spring Break
4/1 April Fools Day
4/10 Open House
4/17 Explorit Science Night 5:30-7:00