Spirit Days Next Week
Students can show their Willett pride next week by wearing the color or theme for each day! Let’s see how many students we can get to participate!
Monday-Wear your hair in a wacky way or wear Red
Tuesday-Wear everything backwards or wear White
Wednesday-Dress in your favorite sports wear or wear Blue
Thursday-Dress as multiples with your friends or wear Pink
Friday-Dress in your PJ’s and bring a stuffy or wear Green
Shop The Willett Book Fair This Sunday
The Willett Book Fair starts this Sunday, March 19th from 1-4 PM. Regular hours will be Monday-Thursday from 1:30-5:30 PM. This is your chance to pick up some essential Spring Break reading while supporting the Willett PTA!
Explorit’s Family Science Night
Explorit Science Center has been awarded American Rescue Plan funding from Yolo County to provide science night programming to seven elementary schools located in District 2 of the county. Willett is in District 2 and has been awarded this free program. Family Science Night will be held on Thursday, April 6th from 5:30-7:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity for the whole family to enjoy science activities. We need parent volunteers for this program and are asking for your help. If you are able to volunteer for this wonderful opportunity, please use the following link to sign up to volunteer. Thank you for your support.
Parent/Teacher Conferences Next Week
With the end of trimester two quickly approaching, parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for next week starting March 20th. Please keep an eye out for messaging from your classroom teacher regarding conference scheduling.
Rainy Day Recess Volunteers Needed
I am working to expand our indoor rainy day recess options during lunch to include art, movement, Legos, and more! To make it happen, I need some volunteer help. Parents, if you are interested in supporting Willett students during lunchtime (11:30-1pm), please contact Willett parent Daphne Leachman ([email protected]). When rain/smoke/excessive heat is in the forecast, parents would be able to volunteer using a sign-up genius. You can volunteer as much or as little as you’d like. All volunteers would complete a volunteer form and training. This would be a fun way to help out our school!
We Want Your Legos
Do you have legos lying around that you no longer need? Tired of stepping on random legos in the dead of night? Willett will take them off your hands for use on rainy days at lunch. Bring any legos you no longer need and we will put them to good use!
Rainy Day Drop Off
As we get back into the rainy days of winter, there will be changes to the drop off routine. Starting Monday, March 6th, if it is raining, all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students will collect in the new MPR before school rather than in the hallways outside their classes. 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students will move to the old MPR before school. Students will stay in their MPR locations until the bell rings and their teachers come to escort them back to class.
While the library has been open before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it will be closed on the days that we use the MPRs for students before school.
Biking To School
It is wonderful to see our students riding to school on their bikes. It brings a sense of community to the school and is good for our environment to boot! Biking also cuts down on the congestion in the front of the school at pick up and drop off times. With this in mind, please remind you students that once on campus, students need to dismount and walk their bikes on campus and into the bike racks. Safety first!
Students In Park After School
Please be aware that there is no school supervision after school at the park. If students have conflict or act inappropriately, we do not have staff in the area to intervene after the school day ends. Please support the school by supervising your children so that there are no conflicts at the park. We thank you for supporting us in this way.
Lost And Found
We have an abundance of lost and found items in our old MPR. If you are missing a water bottle, a jacket, gloves, or lunch containers, please swing by the old MPR after school to retrieve your items. We will display these same items outside during conference week for last call pick up. Any items left will be donated to a local shelter. Please come by and take a look.
Morning Greeters
Morning greeters are off to a great start. 5th and 6th graders have volunteered to greet younger students at the curb in the front of the school at the loading and unloading zone. These students will meet your student and walk them safely to the crosswalk or to their classroom. Please remember that the front curb is for loading and unloading of passengers only. If you wish to leave your vehicle, please find an alternative area to park. If your 5th or 6th grader would like to participate in the morning greeter program, they should ask their classroom teacher for a permission slip.
The Who’s News
More information about the Willett PTA is included in our weekly newsletter, The Who’s News. Read online at: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.
Upcoming Dates:
March 19th Willett Book Fair Sneak Peek
All City Band “Celebration of Music”, Mondavi Center
March 20th-24th Parent/Teacher Conference Week (Early Release)
Spring Book Fair
Spirit Week
March 22nd Read Around Willett
Side-by-Side Strings Concert, Holmes Jr High
March 27th-31st Spring Break
April 6th Explorit’s Family Science Night