Willett Climate Committee
As part of our district’s commitment to creating positive learning environments for all students, each school has a Climate Committee that helps to review school climate data from Youth Truth, evaluate current programs, and propose and implement activities that promote respect and belonging.
A good school climate, in part, depends on an effective partnership between the school and the parents/guardians. Therefore, the School Climate Committee shall work with the school and other school groups to develop ways by which all parents, especially parents new to the community, are assisted in their understanding and full participation in the partnership between the school and families.
In October, we will have the first meeting of the Climate Committee here at Willett. We are hoping for 1-2 parents to join the committee as permanent members for the year, and of course, any family is invited to attend any of the meetings. Please reach out to Jenny Cooper at [email protected] to sign-up or with any questions. We value your input to create a place that welcomes us all.
Willett Library Online
The Willett Library website is available to the Willett community. The address is willett.djusd.net/library or just do a Google search for Willett Library Davis.
On the website you will find some useful information, including a link to our online catalog and the Intermediate Lesson Schedule for the year. Want to know what’s happening in library class? Check out the website!
Mr. Fluetsch can always be reached at [email protected]
October Willett Book Club
A big “Thank You” to everyone who attended the September Willett Book club meeting to discuss Across the Desert by Dusti Bowling. Mr. Fluetsch appreciated the great discussion.
Our October meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 25 from 6:45 to 7:45 pm. We will be discussing A Game of Fox and Squirrels by Jenn Rouch.
For more information, email Mr. Fluetsch at [email protected]
Lost And Found
Please take a look at our lost and found to locate any lost items like jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. All items left over will be donated on Tuesday, October 3rd. Thank you
Pictures Day Is Monday
This year, picture day will take place on October 2nd. Picture day information, online ordering, and the customer advocate team are all available at mydorian.com. Search for Robert E. Willett Elementary, and click on the green order button or yellow help button associated with our picture day. You can order online now and for up to four days after picture day.
Here are some helpful tips to make picture day great!
- Schedule haircuts 7-10 days prior to picture day.
- Wear simple clothing. Solid shirts or small patterns, along with sleeves, photograph best.
A simple collared shirt is a timeless classic.
- Avoid logos and text on clothing. Graphics or wording may not photograph completely and can become partially cropped out of your picture.
In an effort to promote healthy eating habits, we ask that students not bring sodas to school for lunch. We also ask that students not bring candy to school to distribute as this can be a huge distraction and causes waste to be left on the blacktop and fields.
Please join me at our monthly Coffee with the Principal this coming Friday, 10/6 at 8:30 a.m. in the MPR. Our front office secretary, Tara Stapleton, will also be there to answer any questions about the day-to-day workings of our school, such as reporting absences, illnesses, and leaving early/arriving late to school. Coffee will be provided!
Looking for a way to help out this year at Willett? Have a look at the PTA’s updated sign-up genius here: https://www.willettpta.org/get-involved
Our weekly Willett PTA newsletter, The Who’s News, includes translation and accessibility options! Read and subscribe here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.
Upcoming Dates:
10/2 Picture Day
10/9 Indigenous Peoples’ Day (No School)
10/25 Willett Book Club 6:45-7:45 p.m.
11/9 Elementary Teacher Work Day (No School)
11/10 Veteran’s Day
11/13-17 Conference Week (12:10 Dismissal)
Fall Book Fair
11/20-24 Thanksgiving Break (No School)
11/29 Picture Make-ups
Willett Book Club 6:45-7:45 p.m.