CHiP’s For Kids Toy Drive
Once a year, the California Highway Patrol conducts a toy drive. “CHiP’s for Kids”, is a statewide charitable event to benefit the children of California and help provide a happy holiday to families in need. CHiP’s for Kids has collected thousands of toys and distributed them back into the communities we serve. A crucial part of CHiP’s for Kids success is the donations and support we receive from community members and from local businesses.
On Thursday, December 14th, 2023, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Woodland Area office will conclude collecting toys. If your family would like to participate, please bring a new, unwrapped toy to school and stuff the barrel located in the front office with your donated gift. Your participation would be greatly appreciated.
Spelling Bee
Below are the results of the 2023-24 Willett Spelling Bee. A special thanks to our world class “Pronouncer” Mrs. Cook and our “Judge Extraordinaire” Mr. Miller.
A most sincere and gigantic CONGRATULATIONS to our spelling contestants. The contest went 19 rounds before we got to the “Championship Word.”
1st place: Liv Gill (Mrs. Kahn)
2nd place: Phoenix Stone (Mrs. Schustek)
3rd Place: Fisher Rowan-Wang (Mrs. Cook)
4th place: Elena Shirvani (Mr. Simi)
5th place: Jake Gardner (Mrs. Freshour) and Scarlett Bruno (Mr. Miller)
6th place: Fernando Fernandez (Mr. Miille)
7th place: Olivia Raub (Mrs. Enzerink)
Want to Make Contributions To Willett But Don’t Know How
If you are interested in making a contribution to Willett for a field trip, to support the library, or to support your classroom teacher, please use the following link to make a contribution.
Dressing For The Cold
As the weather gets colder, I want to make sure that students arrive at school with the appropriate jackets/hats/gloves for the changing temperatures. I have had a few students show up in the morning without jackets and then get cold throughout the morning. Please remind your children to dress for the cold and if they have lost their jackets, they can come over and check the lost and found. Thank you
Strategic Fencing
Below you will see my announcement about the next fencing outreach meeting on December 11th. I ask that you consider attending this meeting to give your feedback on fencing for Willett. As a community, I urge you to share your thoughts so that we can make inclusive decisions about how we support the Willett community.
Public Outreach for Strategic Fencing at Willett Elementary
The Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) is committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments consistent with the district’s mission and goals. As part of the Bond Program funding from Measure M, approved by voters in February 2019, the Board of Trustees have prioritized funding for strategic fencing to improve access control on campuses.
The project will take place in phases, with the first phase slated to take place at three campuses: Davis Senior High, North Davis Elementary and Willett Elementary. We value your input and invite school and local community members to engage in open discussions about the purpose of this project and proposed strategic fencing locations. Your feedback is essential in making an informed decision that reflects the best interests of our students and the community. To facilitate this dialogue, we will be holding two public outreach opportunities on December 11, to share information and renderings of the strategic fencing proposal at your neighborhood school site. Families, staff, neighbors and friends are all invited.
When: Monday, December 11, 2023
Start Times: First Meeting @ 3:30 p.m.
Second Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
Where: Willett Elementary, Library, 1207 Sycamore Ln., Davis, CA 95616
Public comment, questions or concerns about this project are welcomed and encouraged. We will be reviewing feedback emailed to [email protected] until the end of the public comment period on Friday, January 5, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.
Submit Hootie cover art for the 2023-24 Willett Yearbook. Pick a form up in the front office, or head here for more info. Questions? [email protected]
Read and subscribe to the Willett PTA Newsletter: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
12/11 Strategic Fencing Meeting Library at 3:30 & 5:30 p.m.
12/20 Willett Book Club Library at 6:45 p.m.
12/25-1/5 Winter Break (No School)
1/15 Martin Luther King Day (No School)