Sacramento River Cats Art Of Baseball Calendar
Congratulations to Scarlett Bruno in Ms. Casey's third grade class and Elizabeth Cui in Ms. Cook’s sixth grade class as their artwork was selected to be in the Sacramento River Cats Art of Baseball calendar. Good job, Scarlet and Elizabeth!
Pickup And Drop Off Reminder
Attention parents, please remember that the front parking lot is for staff use only before school, during school, and after school. Parents need to park off site and walk their students on campus. There have also been some families who are entering the parking lot in their cars from the exit. This poses a danger to all who are leaving the lot and to others who may be walking their students out near that exit. For student safety, please walk students on to campus and do not use the parking lot to drop off or pick up students.
Student Drop Off On Rainy Days
Student arrival on rainy days can become problematic in keeping students out of the rain. To support us, please drop students off for school as close to 8:25 as possible to cut down on students collecting/playing in the rain. We really appreciate it!
Coffee With The Principal
You are invited to our monthly Coffee With The Principal on Friday, February 3rd at 8:30 AM in the new MPR. This is an excellent venue to check in with me, ask questions, and get to know your fellow Willett families. We are also excited to welcome Deb Garrity, Willett’s Reading Specialist, who will speak about her important work at Willett and how to best support developing readers. Coffee will be provided!
Lunar New Year Celebration THIS SATURDAY From 1-3 PM
Hosted by our Willett PTA , this school-wide community event is a great time to celebrate our wonderfully rich school culture. Come join us for performances of Lion Dancers, the Davis Chinese Orchestra, and the Na Martial Arts Demo Team. There will be crafts, games, and snacks from all around East and Southeast Asia. Thank you to all of the volunteers who have contributed to creating this exciting event. We look forward to seeing you there to help wish our Willett families a healthy and prosperous year ahead!
The Who’s News
More information about the Willett PTA is included in our weekly newsletter, The Who’s News. Read online at: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.
Upcoming Dates:
January 28th Lunar New Year Celebration
February 1st Global Play Day
February 6th 100th Day Of School
Student Council Meeting
February 13th Presidents Day – No school
February 14th Valentine’s Day
February 20th Local Holiday – No school
February 23rd Winter Chorus Concert