Willett Chorus Concert
The Willett Chorus is so excited to announce that our winter concert will be held on Thursday, February 8th at 5PM in our new MPR. This chorus is composed of 3rd-6th grade students here at Willett, and we will be singing songs featured in different movies! A massive thank you to the PTA for their continued support of this program.
Education Through Music Family Hour
Come join other Willett families, as well as Caezar Chavez families for a family fun event with music, movement, and story-telling for grades K-5. (older/younger siblings welcome)
Sponsored by the Davis School Arts Foundation Grant. Hosted by your music teacher, Mrs. Cooley, and friends from the non-profit Richards Institute of Education and Research.
Free! For more information & to reserve one of the 80 family spots please register at this link:
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]
Attendance (Did You Know?)
Just like everything in life, practice makes progress! The more frequently a student is in school, the more they can practice and learn social skills, how to deal with conflict, and how to be in a community. Students build stronger, more empathetic, and trusting school friendships when they are at school regularly. Each student is an important member of their classroom and school community. Not only does an absent student miss out on this community, their community misses out on the absent student’s unique contributions.
DJUSD February PEP Talk
PRIDE Parenting Skills
Wednesday February 21
6:00-7:30 p.m. via zoom
Presented by Communicare+OLE
This PEP talk is centered around learning parenting skills to help improve your relationship with your child. PRIDE skills (P-Praise, R-Reflect, I-Imitate, D-Describe, E-Enjoy) are helpful in teaching children which behaviors are desired through the use of selective attention.
Register here:
For more information including recordings of past PEP Talks, please visit our PEP Talk webpage.
Girls On The Run Is Happening
We are looking for some parents to coach Girls on the Run this year. This is a program for 3rd to 5th girls. If we have enough coaches, we can also have a 6th girls team. The program is designed to inspire girl empowerment by building confidence, kindness and decision-making skills while also working to be able to run a 5k. The team would meet 2 days per week and practice for 1.5 hours (3:15- 4:45) from early March to mid May. The season ends with a 5K run in Sacramento. If interested, please contact Catherine Harrington at [email protected]. Also, please go to this link and register to be a new coach.
Save the Date: Willett Jog-a-Thon March 8!
The Jog-a-Thon is one of our largest fundraisers and crucial for school programs that help support all of our Willett students. If you're interested in helping plan the event, please email Sukhi Gill at [email protected]. Keep a lookout in the PTA newsletter for information on prizes, how to get registered, and how you can assist on the event day.
Read and subscribe to the Willett PTA Newsletter: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
2/8 Willett Chorus Concert
2/12 Local Holiday No School
2/19 Presidents Day No School
2/28 Willett Book Club 6:45-7:45