Black History Month
“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.”-Coretta Scott King
Green And Tan Day
To honor school spirit, next Friday we are prompting students to wear green and/or tan to school. It has been a while since we have had an organized color day so let's make next Friday special by wearing green and/or tan. Wear those colors Owls!!
Attendance (Did You Know?)
Being late/tardy to school may lead to poor attendance.
Great Evacuation Drill
I want to thank all students and staff for the efficient and safe practice of our evacuation drill today. All students were quick to line up, exit the class, and assemble on the grass in their designated areas. Staff also did a wonderful job of keeping order and supporting the practice of a very important drill. We practice evacuation drills every month and I can confidently say that our school is rocking it! Thank you for your diligence.
DHS WISTEM Mathelon And STEM Fair
The Davis Senior High School Women in STEM Club is hosting their 4th annual Mathalon and STEM fair on Saturday, April 13th at Davis HIgh School. This is a fun opportunity for students (3rd-8th grade) to compete in a friendly math competition and introduce students to the exciting world of math and STEM. There will be prizes for winners! If you’d like to register or learn more information about this event, please check out the website (https://sites.google.com/view/wistem-mathalon) or email them at [email protected].
Please join us next Friday, March 1 at 8:30 am in the MPR for our monthly Coffee with the Principal. Carter Carlson, the PBIS Paraeducator, will be our guest speaker. This is a great venue to ask questions and get to know your fellow Willett families. Coffee is provided!
Read about and register for our March 8th Jog-a-Thon on our PTA website HERE!
Read, subscribe to, and translate the Willett PTA Newsletter here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
2/28 Willett Book Club 6:45-7:45
3/6 Free Books Giveaway 1:30-2:00 Willett Quad
3/8 Jog-A-Thon
3/18-3/22 Conference Week 1:30 Dismissal
Spring Book Fair
3/25-3/29 Spring Break
4/10 Open House