Spring Conference Week (Early Dismissal)
A quick reminder that next week is parent/teacher conferences. There will be an early dismissal all week with school ending at 1:35.
No Math Club Next Week
Due to the parent/teacher conference schedule next week, there will be no math club. The math club will resume when we return from spring break.
No Robotics
Due to the parent/teacher conference schedule next week, there will be no robotics. The Robotics club will resume when we return from spring break.
Lost And Found
Going into spring break, we have a lot of lost and found items that have been collected. During conference week, we will display all lost and found in the main quad behind the front office for parents and students to view and collect. Please take a look during pick up next week for any lost items. Anything left over will go to donation.
Willett Family Science Night with Explorit!
Science Night is planned for Wednesday, April 17, 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Willett MPR. We are so excited for this fun community event! We are in need of 16 volunteers to help run stations (easy, fun, everything is provided for you). Read more info and sign up HERE. If you have questions about this event, or would like to contribute in other ways to science night, please email [email protected]. Thanks!
Parents Using Bathrooms
We have had a few instances when parents have used our student bathrooms during the school day. We ask that if you need to use the restroom, please come to the main office and we can direct you to an adult restroom. Thank you
Smart Watches At School
There has been an increase in the use of smart watches and cell phones by students during the school day. We instruct students to not contact/communicate with friends or family until the school day ends. If you need to notify your child, please contact the front office and we can relay important messages when it is appropriate. Improper use of personal devices during the school day can lead to restrictions of use including confiscation. Please support us in this endeavor. Thank you
PTA News
The Willett Spring Book Fair is March 18-21, during conference week! Info and volunteer on our PTA website HERE!
We have a new, cozy, zip-up Willett hoodie for sale! Check out the details and order HERE!
Willett Family Science Night is April 17, 5:30-7pm in the Willett MPR. We need volunteers to make this happen. More info and sign up HERE.
Read, subscribe to, and translate the Willett PTA Newsletter here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
3/17 St. Patrick’s Day
3/18-3/22 Conference Week 1:35 Dismissal
Spring Book Fair
3/25-3/29 Spring Break
4/1 April Fools Day
4/10 Open House
4/17 Explorit Science Night 5:30-7:00