Willett Updates: 3/22/2024
Posted on 03/22/2024
chalkboard with text reading "Spring Break"

Spring Break Next Week (No School)

There will be no school in session next week due to spring break.

COVID Test Kits

All students will be sent home with a COVID-19 test kit before they leave for spring break. Please have your students take a COVID-19 test on March 31st, the day before they return to school. If your child tests positive, have your student stay home if they have COVID-19 symptoms, until they have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving. If they do not have symptoms, they should attend school and follow CDPH recommendations to reduce exposure to others including masking for 10 days and avoiding contact with people at high-risk for severe illness. Report a positive result to our school office.

ECE Facilities Update

On March 13, 2023, DJUSD introduced the proposal for Early Childhood Education (ECE) requisite facilities district-wide, due to the passage of AB 130. Design planning is now underway for additional ECE requisite facilities at Willett Elementary School. 

Please join the DJUSD Bond Team on Monday, April 8, for two meeting opportunities to learn more about the construction of these new buildings and to share your feedback about this project at your neighborhood school. Families, staff, neighbors and friends are all invited.

Public Meeting Invitation


When:             April 8, 2024

Start Times:    First Meeting @ 3:45 p.m.

Second Meeting @ 5:15 p.m.

Where:            Willett Elementary School, Library, 1207 Sycamore Ln., Davis, CA 95616


If you are unable to attend and would like to learn more about our ECE Requisite Facilities program, please visit www.djusd.net/bond/ece

Public comment, questions or concerns about this project are welcomed and encouraged. We will be reviewing feedback emailed to [email protected] until the end of the public comment period on Monday, April 22 by 5:00 p.m.  

The next outreach session is scheduled for the week of April 22. You can expect to receive more details in the coming weeks.

Second Breakfast Time Options

Students have two options to receive a second breakfast at Willett. The first time is at 8:15 a.m. with the second time being during their morning recess. Students will need to decide which time works best for them and enter their student i.d. number to receive breakfast. Only one whole breakfast is allowed each day so students will need to decide which time they choose. Fruit is always provided and available at both breakfast times.

Rubik’s Jam And Try-Its Club

Mr. Simi started a club this week that allows students in 3-6 grades to meet at lunch to try out new games and activities. A “Jam” is something that is passionate to students that they love to do. A “Try-It” is something students have never done or something that looks interesting that they would like to try. Activities include board games, Rubik’s cubes, art activities, and so much more. The club meets each Friday and is planned for the rest of the year. We are exploring ways to give 1st and 2nd graders a chance so stay tuned for more information to come.

Open House Is April 10th

You are cordially invited to the 2024 Willett Open House on Wednesday, April 10th from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Come by your student’s classroom to see the hard work that has been put into student learning and achievement. Teachers will have their doors open for families to come and visit and would love to see you in the classroom. Hope to see you there! 

Willett Family Science Night with Explorit! 

Science Night is planned for Wednesday, April 17, 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Willett MPR and without volunteers we can’t make it happen! We are in need of 16 volunteers to help run stations (easy, fun, everything is provided for you). Read more info and sign up HERE. If you have questions about this event, or would like to contribute in other ways to science night, please email [email protected]. Thanks!

Coffee with the Principal: Moved to April 12

Please join us for our monthly Coffee with the Principal on Friday, April 12 at 8:30am in the MPR (moved from April 5). Hear about the DJUSD AIM (Alternative Instruction Model) program from our very own 4th grade teacher Mr. Miller. Coffee will be provided!

Parents Using Bathrooms

We have had a few instances when parents have used our student bathrooms during the school day. We ask that if you need to use the restroom, please come to the main office and we can direct you to an adult restroom. Thank you


Willett hoodie orders (and all other Willett Wear) due TOMORROW, 3/23! Check out the details and order HERE!

Willett Family Science Night is April 17, 5:30-7pm in the Willett MPR. We need volunteers to make this happen. More info and sign up HERE.

Read, subscribe to, and translate the Willett PTA Newsletter here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter

Upcoming Dates:

3/25-3/29         Spring Break

4/1                   April Fools Day

4/10                 Open House                                       5:30-6:30

4/17                 Explorit Science Night                        5:30-7:00

4/24                 Willett Book Club                                6:45-7:45


Have a wonderful spring break!