Site Council

State law requires a School Site Council be formed in schools receiving LCFF (Local Control Formula Funding). At Willett this funding provides Reading, math, and English learner support, and purchases additional instructional materials. The parents and staff on the School Site Council are selected by their peers. The council assesses Willett's curricular plan, its budget, and provides an on-going evaluation of the school program. All meetings are open to the public and the agendas are posted in the kiosk window. The school newsletter and website will help keep parents informed of the council's actions.



Site Council meetings begin at 4PM via Zoom:
Site Council Zoom meeting link

2023-2024 Site Council Meetings:
October 12
November 9
December 14
January 11
February 8
March 14
April 11
May 9

2023-2024 Site Council Members:
John Campbell Becki Casey Anahita Enzerink Nicole Fleming Chris Fluetsch Lindsay Watts Edward Bennett Paul Cohen Colin Dixon Erin Giordano Kim Yribarren