Sycamore Park Light Pole Replacement
Next Monday, March 4th, Bear Electric will be on site at Sycamore Park to install new street light foundations for two light poles that will be replaced. This work is expected to take two days – day 1 being Monday, March 4th, and day 2 being sometime the following week, depending on weather. Bear plans to begin work about 8:30 a.m. They will have signage on each side of each work area that says “Wait for Escort” and will have a flagger dedicated to helping people around the work zones. Most of the work should be off of the path, but some equipment may need to be staged on portions of the path in order to do the work. The work will be completed during school hours when pedestrian/bike traffic is at a minimum.
Spring Conference Week
Teachers have begun sending home information about conferencing that will take place the week of March 18th. If you are interested in requesting a conference with your child’s teacher, please reach out to them directly using their signup options.
Smart Watches At School
There has been an increase in the use of smart watches and cell phones by students during the school day. We instruct students to not contact/communicate with friends or family until the school day ends. If you need to notify your child, please contact the front office and we can relay important messages when it is appropriate. Improper use of personal devices during the school day can lead to restrictions of use including confiscation. Please support us in this endeavor. Thank you
DHS WISTEM Mathelon And STEM Fair
The Davis Senior High School Women in STEM Club is hosting their 4th annual Mathalon and STEM fair on Saturday, April 13th at Davis HIgh School. This is a fun opportunity for students (3rd-8th grade) to compete in a friendly math competition and introduce students to the exciting world of math and STEM. There will be prizes for winners! If you’d like to register or learn more information about this event, please check out the website (https://sites.google.com/view/wistem-mathalon) or email them at [email protected].
The Willett Jog-a-thon is next Friday!
Our annual jog-a-thon is on Friday, March 8.
Please visit bit.ly/willettwins to add your student. It takes only a minute to register and funds raised from your pledges help support programs for all Willett students. Once registered, don’t forget to share your pledge pages with friends and family!
1. Register now.
2. All students get a handheld Willett mini fan!
3. Students can win gift cards for most laps or funds raised. The grade level with the most funds raised will have a frozen treat party for their team effort! 4th and 5th grade are currently tied for the win!
Thank you for your continued support. Your involvement and encouragement make school programs possible. If you'd like to volunteer the day of the event or donate supplies please sign up here.
Read about and register for our March 8th Jog-a-Thon on our PTA website HERE!
The Willett Spring Book Fair is March 18-21, during conference week! Info and volunteer on our PTA website HERE!
Read, subscribe to, and translate the Willett PTA Newsletter here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter
Upcoming Dates:
3/6 Free Books Giveaway 1:30-2:00 Willett Quad
3/8 Jog-A-Thon
3/18-3/22 Conference Week 1:30 Dismissal
Spring Book Fair
3/25-3/29 Spring Break
4/10 Open House