Willett Updates: 9/1/2023
Posted on 09/01/2023
block letters reading green and tan spirit day

No School Monday (Labor Day)

There will be no school on Monday, September 4th in observance of the Labor Day holiday. School will resume on Tuesday.

What A Wonderful Start

A HUGE shoutout goes to our students for being respectful, responsible, and resourceful during the first two weeks of school. There were smiles for miles and compassion for all seen everyday in the classroom and on the blacktop. Keep up the good work kids!

Green And Tan Day

Next Friday will be green and tan day. Dress up in green and tan next Friday to show your school spirit.  

Set Up Students For Success

We want our students to be successful and responsible. Please help us out at home by:

  • Setting early bedtimes to allow students to get enough sleep for the next day.
  • Preparing backpacks the night before so we don’t forget materials or school work.
  • Start the day with a balanced breakfast or prompt your child to take advantage of the school second breakfast that is available to all students.
  • Arriving at school with enough time to meet the class on the blacktop.
  • Reminding your child to either bring their lunch or to request a hot lunch at the beginning of class.
  • Asking your child about their day to reinforce importance in their education and also to gauge how they are doing.

We want all students to succeed and want to work with you to promote student success. It takes a village!


Dungeons And Dragons Club

Dungeons and Dragons Club starts Thursday, September 14th. Mr. Fluetsch is hosting this club for 5th and 6th graders. It will meet during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. in the library classroom (D16). Students may bring their lunches to the club. We have everything students need to begin playing. Both new and experienced players are welcome to attend.

If you have questions, please email Mr. Fluetsch at [email protected]

Willett Book Club

Please join the Willett Library as we continue a Willett tradition with our book club. The first meeting is Wednesday, September 27  6:45 to 7:45 p.m. in the Willett Library. Reading together is a great way for families to bond. Book Club allows us to make those same connections with other people on our campus.  If you love reading or just want to learn to love reading, this is the place for you.  Anything and everything can happen in a book!

For more information, our flyer can be found here: https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fdocument%2Fd%2F12oo2HXyWpFCMgcCN_ZU9N083roXbQTeT7zmIV9xEB_8%2Fedit%3Fusp%3Dsharing&data=05%7C01%7Cjcampbell%40djusd.net%7Cf128f912ea1c4673672608dba410d6c4%7Cffeaaba7f17b4005868826a67d89300a%7C1%7C0%7C638284164474172271%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=QXLkzk6waypvLqF73U6grFq1N1j7KneEYp3PN3ReJE0%3D&reserved=0

If you have questions, please email Mr. Fluetsch at [email protected]

Electronic Devices

At BTSN on Wednesday, many parents were asking about the use of personal devices by students during the school day. Students are allowed to bring smart phones and smart watches to school as long as they are not in use during the school day. Checking the time or using the device as a means of checking a medical condition are acceptable uses during the school day. Messaging or calling parents or friends during the school day would not be an acceptable use of these devices. If a student needs to contact their parents, they should come to the office and ask the front office staff to contact parents for them. If students abuse the use of devices, I would be contacting parents and students may lose the option to use devices at school.

Join The Willett Chorus!

The Willett Chorus is back, and ready for another great year full of fun songs! This group of singers is for any Willett student in 3rd-6th grade, and is directed by Ms. Lindsay. We meet twice a week (Tuesday & Thursday), before school (7:45-8:20 a.m.) in the new MPR. The first day of chorus will be on Tuesday, September 5th, and there will be permission slips available online and in the office by next week. Parents, please fill out a permission slip and either return it to the office or send it with your student on the first day of chorus! 

Elementary Music

Elementary music enrollment is now open. Elementary music consists of Band and Strings classes for grades 4,5, and 6. Click on this link for more information.


Lost And Found

This year, our lost and found will be housed in our new MPR. Lost and found items will be dropped in the new MPR and will be available for viewing at the end of each month. We will display these items in our main quad at the end of each month for you to locate anything that was lost during the month. Items that are not claimed will be bagged and delivered to a local organization that helps homeless/people in need. During conference week, we will also display lost and found items for one last peak before it is delivered to the organization. If your child is missing anything, please have them check with their classroom teacher so we can support students in reclaiming lost items.

PTA News 

Visit the Willett PTA store to join the PTA, donate, purchase Willett t-shirts and sweatshirts, and pre-order the 2023-24 Willett Yearbook: https://willett-elementary-pta.cheddarup.com

Our Willett PTA newsletter, The Who’s News, now includes translation and accessibility options! Read and subscribe here: https://www.willettpta.org/newsletter.

 Upcoming Dates:

9/4        No School (Labor Day)

9/5        Willett Chorus Begins

9/8        Willett Dessert & Movie Night

9/19      Willett PTA Meeting

9/25      Robotics Club First Meeting

10/2      Picture Day