Hello Willett Families,

On behalf of the Willett Elementary staff, we are so excited to see students returning to campus on Monday. Schoolwide procedures for return to campus must always consider the most safe and effective way to accommodate all of our students. Our focus is to keep our students safe and to maintain them in “stable groups” to the highest extent possible. A stable group means to keep your child with their classmates and to not mix groups as much as possible. Keeping this in mind we have the following procedures in place.

What are the drop off procedures?

We are asking parents NOT to send students earlier than 8:20. There will not be any before school recess. Dropoff areas by grade level (see map) will open at 8:20 and students will stay at this area until their classroom teachers meet and direct them to their lines at the front of the classroom doors. Students will hand sanitize/wash hands before entering the classroom. Backpacks will be left outside on hooks or in cubbies inside. Students can bring a book to read or can draw as they wait for class to begin. Students will practice social distancing with masks on as soon as they enter the campus.

How will arrival work at the Bike Racks?

We will have a campus monitor out at the bike racks directing traffic. Students will be directed to different bike racks to lock their bike so as to support social distancing.

Will students riding their bikes be scanned upon arrival (Active4Me)?

We are working with Active4Me to develop a schedule for scanning students arriving on bikes.

Can my child bring a snack?

Yes, they may bring a simple snack. They will have a 20 minute outdoor education time to eat and exercise/P.E. so bringing something easy to eat is important.

Can my child get a school lunch/breakfast?

Yes, all students are eligible for a school lunch for the current day and a breakfast for the next day. Lunches/breakfasts are “Grab and Go” and will be waiting at their classroom on dismissal. We will ask students each morning if they want to order a school lunch/breakfast. Please talk to your child to help them determine if they want to order a school lunch/breakfast.

Will my child have outdoor instruction time?

Yes, each class will have 20 minutes of outside instruction time. The time could be structured like PE, or could include outdoor educational topics with their class only to maintain a stable group. We have 5 separate outdoor areas that classes will rotate through during the week to give them variety.

How will students be dismissed?

Students will be dismissed to their drop off areas, as used at the beginning of the day, to avoid large groups of students gathering and to allow parents to meet them to exit campus. We will dismiss at 11:30 (M/Tu/Th/F) 11:00 (W) with all bikers and walkers leaving first. We ask that parents be prompt at dismissal to ensure supervision is successful.

What about Kinder students?

Parents may walk their Kindergarteners to their drop off area. For dismissal, our Kinder teachers will escort students to their drop off area for parents to greet them from there. (see map).

What about 1st grader drop off and dismissal?

Parents may walk their first graders to their drop off area. For dismissal, our 1st grade teachers will escort students to their drop off area with supervisors waiting for parents to greet them from there.
Can parents wait by the classroom doors like in the past?
No, parents will wait in the grade level drop off areas rather than entering the school. This will minimize contact for all parties.

Traffic and Parking at Willett

Parents may not use the parking lot for pick up and drop off. Parents are urged to use neighboring streets off of Sycamore Lane to park and walk students into grade level campus drop off areas. Our parking lots are for staff only and are closed to parents. This is for safety as students will be walking in those areas. We encourage walking or riding bikes for families that are living close to school.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We will likely need to refine some of these procedures as we learn what works and what issues arise.

The Willett staff thanks you for your support and look forward to seeing your students again.


John Campbell
Willett Elementary